"Unlocking ancient holy practices for healing and protection by writing kabbalistic scrolls"
"Soul Decoded" Scroll
"Golden Sefirot" Reset, Revival Scroll
Baby Protection Scroll
Welcome, my name is Avivit except from my day to day work, I have passion for writing ancient kabbalistic scrolls to heal people and reset their Sefirot. I code and decode Torah text in the bible to help individuals overcome life challenges and struggles. Every soul has it's own journey and mission in this world and the advance lifestyle adapted sometimes create health problems & difficulties and also mask the truth about the creator, the life source.

The "Soul Decoded" is a long scroll up to 2.5m written for those that require healing from any health problems, obstacles and it also reset the Sefirot. This is one of THE powerful scrolls for a single-use a 40-day cycle. The effect is immediate and will last as long as the individual continues with a healthy lifestyle. Get over cancer, PTSD, anxiety, depression, emotional imbalance, SPS, pain, especially for veterans with severe injuries.

The "Golden Sefirot" scroll is a short scroll for a 7-day intensive cycle written for those that have daily struggles especially non-religious that are not connected to God. This scroll corrects generational sins - damaged/broken Sefirot. The scroll reset ,balance and revive the Sefirot to get over any obstacles, karmic or emotional struggles, it’s effect is from the first use and could last if the individual is following the instructions.

This scroll is against the Lilith, spirits and evil forces since newborns are very vulnerable to attacks especially in unprotected/religious families, the scroll locks their Sefirot to protect the newborns/babies from any harm as the evil forces can damage their Sefirot, later on they develop eating disorders, anxiety, ADHD and more. It is written in a specific time and day and can be used until He age 13/She age 12 as a bracelet or pedant of your choice.

Adult Protection Scroll

This scroll is also called the "Billion Diamonds Sphere" for adults written for long term carry on as a pendant or in a pocket- this scroll is to protect the individual from any danger, the writing is coding the energy of the sefirot to clear any dark spot (energetic spots) and lock the energy field for holy sparks, a full protection from any harm or negativity, individual say it makes them feel more clam, safe and secure. It's the armor of God the soul energy field that is clear with bright sparkles that blocks any dark energies and negativity.


Build your own dreams and faith

Or someone else or something else will take over your life whether that is mental or physical health problems and not being Divinely protected.

God life force nourishes all creations everyday, everything has a spiritual energy that effects the soul and body, therefore to be protected and healthy it's imperative the Sefirot - circular vessels are not blocked or damaged by the Kelipot (forces of evil or sins).


Learn something new everyday
On my social networks, I talk about God, faith, productivity and healthy lifestyle. I'll tell you everything I have experienced, share my faith and challenges.

God and the holy letters

In kabbalah symbols and letters hold deep meaning and significance within the Jewish mystical tradition. These symbols, such as the Tree of Life and the Star of David, are believed to represent various aspects of the divine and the interconnectedness of all things. The letters of the Hebrew alphabet are also considered sacred in Kabbalah, each carrying its own energy and vibration. These symbols and letters are used in practices like meditation and prayer to connect with higher realms and tap into the wisdom and power of the universe. They serve as tools for spiritual growth and self-discovery, guiding individuals on their path towards enlightenment. Through the understanding of these Kabbalistic symbols and letters, one can gain profound insights into the mysteries of existence and unlock their true potential for health and success in life. It's been proven scientifically that letters and vowels sound create a Scalar wave energy in the Torus field - the body divine energy field.


Soul and Body

The Torah begins with the account of creation, the apex of which is the creation of the human being, who alone was created “in the image of God.” By creating us in His image, God imbued us with an innate affinity to Him, which manifests itself as our ability to consciously connect to our Divine source, our Creator, in faith and knowledge. Our belief in Him and knowledge of His presence in all aspects of our lives are the keys to our spiritual and physical well-being.

Just as God’s initial creation of the universe was twofold—“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” -so did He create the human being in a twofold manner, body and soul. In man, his “heavenly” part, the soul, so permeates his “earthly” part, the body, that they appear to be one entity. In truth, the physical body perfectly mirrors the spiritual soul vested in it. This is why Kabbalah views physical health to be inseparable from spiritual health.

Since in Kabbalah body and soul function as a unit, in order to access the mystical understanding of human anatomy and physiology, we must first understand how Kabbalah perceives the soul and the soul’s interaction with the body. In this regard, one of the most fundamental teachings of Kabbalah is the system of the ten sefirot, the channels of Divine life-force or energy. These ten sefirot are sometimes eleven, when both the super-conscious keter and its conscious counterpart, da’at, are counted.

The meaning of the term sefirot fluctuates according to the context in which it is used. The ten sefirot can refer to the ten manifestations of God, the ten powers of the soul, or the ten structural forces of reality. All of the worlds that we inhabit, whether spiritual or physical, display the same array of supernal characteristics. Thus, each sefirah, or channel of Divine energy, can be understood as a creative force at work behind the scenes, forming worlds, or, at the most personal level of manifestation, forming the basic intellectual and emotive properties of our souls. The ten sefirot are nourishing every day the physical body but if there are kelipot (dark shells) from sins and evil forces this can create a blockage or damage a sefirah or two. The damaged sefirot impact the spiritual and physical health and also on the Divine energy channel. The healing of the sefirot is the ultimate process of cell regeneration to heal the body and spirit.

In the Image of God - Genesis 1:27


The divine energy

Everything around us is a spiritual energy from a table to a tree, everything from the tiniest particles to the vast expanses of space is vibrating. This is a scientific fact that bridges the gap between the physical and the metaphysical the seen and the unseen. Vibration is the rhythm of the universe of fundamental characteristics of everything that exists by the Divine forces.

In physics vibration refers to the oscillations of particles these oscillations occur at various frequencies which determine the form and nature of matter energy and even thoughts , modern science proves that thoughts emit vibrations that can influence our environment and ourselves.

Ready to harness this power to change your reality ?
So, how does our vibrational state shapes our reality ?

The spiritual energy is in constant motion from the screen of your computer, chair and the air you breath, are all made of particles vibrating at specific frequencies this vibration determines the physical properties we perceive such as solidity and temperature. Just as a pebble creates ripples when tossed into a pond our vibrations spread out influencing our environment and coming back to us in kind. We start to see the connection between our internal state our thoughts emotions and beliefs and the external world.

It’s all about alignment and resonance our personal vibrations to attract experiences and outcomes that are in tune with it. Negative emotion like fear, anger and sadness located at the lower end frequencies level, these emotions are dense heavy and very grounding. On the other hand positive emotions such as love, joy and peace vibrate at higher frequencies expanding our consciousness and connecting us with the broader universe, allowing us to vibrate our Sefirot and heal our body by praying daily to God.

But shifting the negative energy and your vibration is difficult to some people that can not heal themselves to overcome challenging times since the Sefirot are blocked or damaged. The Creator's spiritual energy is the key to the secret to boost your base vibration to unlock a whole new level of existence. It is important to know that a each soul has its spiritual energy capacity and limitations that could be generational, inherited or acquired in life.

Other Cultures, such as the Buddhism, Hinduism practice Qi, life force, Prana energy, Kundalini, Chakras, Torus Field that are grounding to earth energy that also connecting to the 7 underworlds (evil forces) if not practiced carefully while Judaism focuses on the "Crown" Sefirah the head to receive the spiritual energy of abundance directly from the Creator, the Divine life force.


The Ten Sefirot

God emanates ten vessels through which the world is created, called sefirot, which are both part of God and created by God. The sefiroth are a bright gold color circular vessels channeled every day from the head to nurture the soul and body via a white clear the divine energy. Broken or damaged Sefirot from infancy to adulthood or even generational are in greyish darker colors and can’t nurture the soul and body properly, also every soul has it’s own Sefirot capacity that is different to each individual soul. Each circular vessel embeds letters, symbols, coding, messages and powerful healing frequencies.

The names of the ten Sefirot are:

  • Chochmah - wisdom

  • Binah - understanding

  • Daat - knowledge

  • Chessed - kindness

  • Gevurah - strength

  • Tiferet - beauty

  • Netzach - victory

  • Hod - splendor

  • Yesod - foundation

  • and Malchut - kingship

Everything that happens in the spiritual worlds takes place through the medium of the Sefirot. However, as previously mentioned, they are not God, and the Kabbalists warn that one should not pray to them. In the words of Tikkunei Zohar: Elijah opened his discourse and said: ‘Master of the worlds, You are One but not in the numerical sense. You are exalted above all the exalted ones, hidden from all the hidden ones; no thought can grasp You at all. You are He who has brought forth ten “garments,” and we call them ten Sefirot, and revealed worlds; and through them You conceal yourself from man.

You are He who binds them together and unites them; and inasmuch as You are within them, whoever separates one from another of these ten Sefirot, it is considered as if he had effected a separation in You.

As previously discussed, Tzimtzum is the concealment of the Or Ein Sof which allows a Seder Hishtalshelut, a “series of intermediary stages” or worlds that makes the creation of the finite world possible. Each of these worlds has a spiritual infrastructure, the most basic component being the Sefirot.

The Sefirot are ten modes or attributes through which God manifests Himself. The Sefirot are not God, but they are the medium through which specific qualities and attributes can be ascribed to Him. The word Sefirah is related to the verb lesaper, which means to “express” or “communicate.” This implies that the function of a Sefirah is to express a certain attribute. It is also related to the word “sapphire” (sapir). A sapphire is a gemstone that is brilliant and illuminating, implying that the function of a Sefirah is to give Light. Combining these two concepts, one may say that the Sefirot have two basic functions, one as lights or luminaries that serve to reveal and express, and another as Vessels that limit and define the Light so that specific qualities are manifest. The Sefirot may be compared to the two hands of a king. Sometimes the king operates with his right hand and sometimes with his left. Ultimately, it is the king himself who is acting through the medium of his hands.

In fact, every Sefirah is divisible into the two aspects of Lights and Vessels. They reflect God’s infinite power as revealed within the Sefirot. The Vessels have specific characteristics, and thereby reveal God’s power of limitation and finitude. It is through the Sefirot that the Ein Sof—which by definition is infinite—creates and conducts the finite worlds.

It is the Sefirot that make it possible to speak about God’s immanence in creation—what He does, without referring directly to what He is. Those Divine attributes are reflected within Man, both in his spiritual makeup and more literally in his physical build. Hence, the Kabbalists chose to depict the Sefirot as corresponding to various limbs and functions of the human body. Still, when trying to grasp the dynamic of the Sefirot in the higher realms; one may make reference to the human conceptual model, and then reflect these concepts above. In this manner, we can speak in the language of man to appreciate the higher spiritual realms. One must be cautious in doing so, and realize that this human model is only a reflection of the Sefirot. All analogies have their human dimension which may not be applicable in the higher realms.

The Sefirot are also reflected in man’s spiritual make-up, with each faculty in man derived from the supernal Sefirot. When one utilizes the ten soul powers within him in his Divine service here in this world, he is able to affect their source, the Sefirot, in the higher 7 worlds.

The Ultimate Power of The Soul

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Park Avenue, New York USA



©2023 Avivit Ariel