The 7 upper worlds, 7 under worlds, Heaven and Hell
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The Soul
Soul is a form of light energy being that resides in the body and works through it. Without the soul, the body is like a light bulb without electricity or a computer without software. When the soul enters the body, the latter receives life, the ability to see and hear, the ability to think and speak, intelligence and emotions, will and desire, personality and identity. Souls can not be seen only to those that have ancient souls and very rare gifted people. In fact, not only humans, but every created being has a "soul". Animals have souls, as well as plants and even inanimate objects. Every blade of grass and every grain of sand has a soul. Not only life, but existence itself, requires a soul to sustain it - a "divine spark" that frequently imbues its object with being and meaning. A soul is not only the engine of life, but it also embodies the "what" of the existence of a certain thing. It is the "inner identity" of the thing life source of the divine, its raison d'être (that is, the reason for its existence). Just as the 'soul' of a musical piece is the composer's vision that gives life and energy to the notes played in a musical piece - still, the notes themselves are like the body expressing the vision and feeling of the soul within. Each soul is an expression of God's intention and vision for the creation of that specific thing and its mission.
About two different souls that live in man: the "animal soul" and the "divine soul". The beast is ruled by the need for self-preservation and self-glorification. In this, it is similar to the soul and self of all other creatures. But we also have a "divine soul" - a soul whose main motive is the desire to return and connect with its spiritual source. Our lives are the story of the competition and the interplay between these two souls, as we struggle to balance our physical needs and desires with our spiritual aspirations and reconcile our self-centered urges with our altruistic longings. to each other However, these two souls do not reside "side by side" within the body, but the divine soul is hidden within the animal soul just as the animal soul itself resides within the body. This means that even the animal soul is guided in its heart by "a part of God from above". Ostensibly, the two souls are in mutual conflict, but in essence, they are compatible with each other
The spiritual essence of the human soul is what separates and elevates it above all other creatures, even above angels. The angel may be more spiritual, but man is more divine. No created being can have true freedom of choice - by virtue of its definition, a created being consists only of what its creator gave it. This is his "nature", and his every inclination and action will be dictated by this nature. Only in the human soul did the Creator give the essence of his own being. Thus the human soul is the only "supernatural" being (apart from the Creator himself) - a being that is not limited by its own nature. A being capable of transcending itself and choosing not just to react to its environment, but to act and influence it. A being whose decisions and actions therefore have real meaning.
A soul is created in the womb of the supreme spiritual realms, where it receives its identity and special mission. To fulfill her mission, she is sent to the physical world, wrapped in an animal soul and equipped with a body. Here the divine soul faces the challenge of the (seemingly) conflicting needs and desires of the animal soul; Here the divine reality is hidden by the dense self-hood of the body and the physical world. In this realm of hidden truth and constant challenge, the soul can fully express and realize its spiritual power
The soul is given a compass and a guide to navigate through the challenge of physical life, and it also receives the resources to become stronger. The Torah is the "guide to creation", the guide and guides the soul in its mission in life. The Torah is also "food for the soul": studying the Torah assimilates and digests the spiritual wisdom and gives the soul the heavenly energy to persevere in its mission and overcome the challenges it faces
A mitzvah/ Universal Laws of Noah is an act of God. Every time a soul does a mitzvah like giving charity, praying, lighting Shabbat candles or an act of kindness - it acts as a "partner with G-d in the act of creation" it enhances the holy sparks and brings G-d's presence into the world. The commandments are all physical acts - so the soul can perform them only while it resides in the physical world. Therefore, the duration of the soul's physical life is its only opportunity to perform mitzvot.
After the end of its physical life, the soul glowing with holy sparks returns to its pure spiritual state. She cannot continue to observe mitzvot / universal laws of Noah, but the divine deeds she did during her physical life elevated her to heights she had not even dreamed of before her descent to earth. These commandments are like seeds that take root in the soil of the physical world and grow and multiply and continue to give strength to the ascension of the soul. So are the good deeds done by other people in the physical world for the sake of the departed soul.
Eventually, the soul will return and reunite with the body. In the days of Messiah, the resurrection of the dead will herald the "next world" of eternal physical life.
There are new souls and ancient souls that return to complete a cycle or a divine mission, but every soul ultimate journey is to radiate holy divine sparks so to be near God holy lights (energetic powerful lights) wrapped in holy lights a supreme eternal love. In every generation there is only one ancient holy soul in the entire world born to the Yemenite Jewish community to serve the people.
The Pillars of Fire and Cloud - Develop Your Inner Pillar
The pillar of Fire and Cloud guided the Israelites, ruled by different Archangels.
These pillars guided the Israelites through the desert during exodus from Egypt, they were a protection from the Egyptian and tribes across the dessert. The pillar of fire was lighting the night and the pillar of cloud was in the daytime.
You can develop your inner pillars by an ancient Kabbalistic practice that helps you to overcome challenges, strengthen your divine protection (Kelipot Kabbalah) by praying every day, careful with speech and memorizing at least one Pslam chapter so every where you go you can pray it.
Every day make a habit to be present for 1 hour in solitude, read a chapter in the bible and focus your eyes on God Hebrew name. Focus on balancing the heart and the mind with pure love, good will to overcome toxic thoughts, emotions and behaviors that are harmful for your soul and disrupt the connection with God . God is the source of abundance for all his creations, have faith, trust and thank God every morning, never fear! Like a meditation, a prayer within meditation, you aren't asking anything of God except for him to be with you and show you what you need to be shown.
Shabbat is a holy day that all evil vanishes from earth and divine presence is coming down abundantly for those that observe the Shabbat.
The heart is the pillar of fire for the divine protection to radiate from Sunset (Arbit) to be protected from evil forces and the brain is the pillar of cloud for daytime(Shacharit).
Mount Sinai - The 10 Commandments
The Ten Commandments are a set of biblical principles that God gave to Moses at Mount Sinai, according to the Book of Exodus in the Hebrew Bible. The Ten Commandments are considered to be the core of the moral law for Jews, Christians, and Muslims as it was preached by Muhammad the prophet whom studied the Torah from a Rabbi in Sana’a, Yemen.
In the Bible the book of Exodus the Israelite's 42 times journeyed and 42 times settled in the dessert sites written in plural but at Mount Sinai it is written in the singular form, as they became one in mind and heart by the divine presence to accept the Torah and God name engraved in their soul. The holy name of God is 42 letters, this is the reason why the 'Journeys' are in number 42, since all the 'journeys' were in the direction of ascent: the people of Israel came out of the lowlands of the land of Egypt, and from there they ascended and rose higher and higher. Each 'journey' raised them to a higher level spiritually, and brought them closer to the desired and highest destination of all - the Land of Israel.
Jews can uplift their souls by ancient prayers that are powerful, for Shabbat to distinguish Chol and Kodesh, the prayer please be strong for receiving - Ana b'Koach prayer kabbalat Shabbat the lifting of the soul from Chol and in the Kaddish prayer for the uplifting of the soul when someone passes.
Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia the site is holy surrounded by archaeological evidence, like a time capsule everything is still preserved ancient structures, symbols, engravings, the split rock the rock that Moses struck from which water flowed out of for the Israelite's, rock stones with engraving of the golden calf.
The Power of One Prayer
Praying in English (agreeable language) is different from praying in Hebrew, the holy letters, sound, pronunciation and reading practice have a powerful spiritual impact on spirit, soul and to create an angel “world of Yetzira” this can be done by praying, reading in the Torah, every blessing and every mitzvah you do. The importance also of knowing the holy names of God and how to use God’s name.
The Jewish holy people can create new angels for protection, it may serve as an emissary of God toward earthly, to other angels, to the worlds and creatures below the world of Yetzira or carry heavenwards from below, from our world to the higher worlds. If you pray in English, you are absolutely not fulfilling your spiritual life and afterlife completely, however it is not mandatory as the Mishnah mentions that the Shema need not be said in Hebrew. The Yemenite Jews that observe the ancient praying practices know the importance of holy Hebrew letters that are a powerful spiritual channel to God.
Prayer is seen as a way to communicate with the very source of and purpose for our existence. It is considered our fiercest weapon against the enemy and all things in this fallen world. The power of prayer isn’t in the words you utter, it’s in the spiritual channel and the holy sparks. In the Bible, there are numerous scriptures that encourage us to pray and highlight the true power that is in prayer. A basic definition of the power prayer is when you invite heaven’s resources to intervene in your earthly situation. Since heaven’s resources are unlimited, then you are inviting God into the equation and asking him to fix or do something about your circumstance. There are many accounts in the Bible where prayer has led to miraculous outcomes, such as healing the sick, comforting those who are anxious or depressed, and even bringing a person back to life. These accounts serve to illustrate the immense power that prayer can have.
However, the power of prayer is not just about asking for miracles. It’s also about personal growth, character development, and spiritual enlightenment. It’s about recognizing our own limitations and surrendering to a higher power for guidance and support. In essence, the power of prayer lies in its ability to foster a deep and personal connection with the divine, enabling us to tap into a source of comfort, strength, and wisdom that surpasses our own understanding. One prayer a day can have an enormous impact on your life as you strengthen your spiritual channel source the life source of the soul.
The Universal Laws - Seven laws of Noah for humanity
According to the book of Genesis in the Bible chapter 9, the rainbow is the sign of the covenant that God made with Noah and his descendants after the flood, promising that he would never again destroy the world. The rainbow symbolizes God’s mercy and faithfulness to his creation, and his desire for peace and harmony among all living beings. The rainbow also reminds us of the seven laws of Noah, which are the universal moral code for all of humanity, based on the recognition of God’s sovereignty and the respect for life, property, and justice.
The seven laws of Noah are considered to be the basic moral code for all of humanity, regardless of their religion, culture, or nationality.
The seven laws of Noah are:
Do not murder
Do not steal
Do not worship false gods
Do not be sexually immoral
Do not eat a limb removed from a live animal
Do not curse God
Set up courts and bring offenders to justice
The Noahide laws are also relevant for the future, because they are the foundation of the new era, when the world will be governed by the Messiah, who will be a descendant of King David and a teacher of the Torah. The Messiah will unite all the nations under the banner of God, and will instruct them to follow these laws, as well as other commandments that God will reveal at that time. They are the laws of the Creator of all souls, and they remain the same for all people at all times. By following these laws, we can help bring the world closer to the ultimate goal of creation, which is to reveal God’s presence and goodness in every aspect of existence. Earth will be filled with divine wisdom, peace and goodness. Those who keep these basic rules will have a share in that new world and they will be divinely protected. Jews are obligated to a glimpse of the rainbow and say a blessing as this is God grace and divinity.
Noah's Ark is located less than 2 miles from the Iran-Turkey border, in the Doğubayazıt district of Ağrı lies the Durupinar formation, Mount Ararat.
Speech and Sound - How it impacts your life and health
One of my favorite researchers is Dr Masaru Emoto who studied the effects of speech and sound on the molecular structure of water. He successfully proved the life source of God creation in the book of Genesis, those 4 elements Earth, Air, Fire &Water. The sound and speech change the vibrations and the water structure of crystals. The body that is 65% water thus speech and sound impacts the body and spirit and it plays a crucial part in the physical and mental health, the material and spirit “Nefesh” which is the life source.
Dr Emoto proves that different water sources produce different ice structures, the positive speech and sound creates angelic crystals. The negative speech and sound create chaos distorted crystals for example Symphony No. 40 Mozart vs heavy metal music.
The power of prayers, blessings and positive speech changes the formation of these crystals, this is a healing power to your body. The Hebrew letters are more powerful since God created this world with the holy letters that were given to Moses on Mount Sinai, the secrets of the Torah are given to the Hebrews for protection, success, happiness, creation and also to be the holy people by God's name.
Hence, the human consciousness could affect Fire while lighting a candle, Earth and Air as these elements are connected to the life source of creation and every element has it’s Archangel and angels assigned to it.
Body, Spirit and Soul - The detached generation of all times
God is the spiritual life source that vibrates the souls. The spiritual source is like a channel of an antenna, so if you are not connected everything is amplified in your life and you are at risk by experiencing a spiritual warfare, homelessness, substance abuse, addictions to drugs, food, toxic lifestyle, bad relationships and health problems, ill speech and behaviors.
Praying is the act of connecting to God the life source of your soul Neshama that is your daily spiritual food, it makes you resilient, healthy in body and spirit.
When the soul is vibrating above the body and not in tune with the spirit and body, it’s like a disconnected antenna a person will be more materialistic will tend to be easily influenced by others and have a very noisy life style.
Faith is a gift so if you learn how to pray, God will nurture your body and spirit everyday like all living beings on earth, as all his creation is abundant. If you are aligned and in tune with your soul, spirit and body this leads to being divinely protected by God, living a happy and fulfilling life.
The Torah - the power of the Hebrew letters
Hebrew is God’s language that was given to the Hebrews. It’s the Holy Language that has a powerful spiritual transcendence to heal and bring prosperity to humanity. All other languages in this world are agreeable languages. Every Hebrew letter embodies powerful spiritual channels that in different combinations can heal people, bring prosperity and solve one’s life challenges.
In Genesis 1 in the Torah, God creates the world by pronouncing His will; hence language has the ultimate creative potential. This view forms the starting point for most of the Jewish mystical and magical traditions, from antiquity right up to present times. The Torah holds the secrets of creation, knowledge, ancient wisdom, past and future, and communication with angels by using the holy names in a specific day and time.
Letters of Light -The meaning of Hebrew alphabet
Hebrew letters are not just ordinary letters. Each letter is a symbol, full of many inner meanings, from literal straightforward meaning, to deeper spiritual meaning. Understanding the letters provides essential insight into the deeper meanings of the Torah or the Bible.
After studying the letters in depth it is not uncommon for many people to feel that the letters express some direct spiritual communication that goes beyond words. In Kabbalistic circles, meditation on the letters is commonly practiced to encourage this type of rapport with the letters.
Looking into the deeper meanings of the letters can transform and deepen our learning and can lead us to deeper levels of spiritual experience. Kabbalists will study for many years to realize the great inner spiritual meanings of the letters, so it is important to realize that this article is a tiny entry point into a deeper field of study, which could be followed for a lifetime.
God Creation-The World of Souls
Every soul comes down to earth during conception. Some souls are so pure and fragile that they can’t endure the harsh physical energies of this world so a miscarriage occurs in the early weeks of pregnancy. Other souls are doomed to live with disabilities or diseases to correct their previous life sins, known as Tikkun Haneshama.
Tikkun is a spiritual concept which translates as correction. The Kabbalists teach that each of us has our own individual tikkun, a sort of karma resulting from past sins, if you will. We come into our current incarnation with certain spiritual baggage, mistakes we made in previous lives, and it is our job in this lifetime to correct those mistakes. In fact, it is written that an individual may spend their entire life in meditation, thinking only positive thoughts, but upon arriving to the gates of Heaven will be told that they have to return to the world of physicality because although they spent their life having done nothing negative, they did not complete the purpose for which they came to this world.
I can't heal every soul in this world, only those that I am permitted to do so by the divine. When I open the Bible I can see the soul path and the cure (how to heal), God is the healing source and I am just the spiritual conduit that he works through to help people connect to the divine source.